Mærkelig planet, mærkelig litteraturhistorie

Sebastian Egholm Lund

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The planet has recently become a popular figure for the study of literary history, comparatists having spent recent years speculating on global or planetary space. However, this work has not adequately addressed the issue of how to planetarize our understanding of time, that is, literary history. My paper addresses this issue by harnessing the weirdness of the planet to defamiliarize our conceived understandings of literary history. I argue that, to counter progressivist, modernist narratives of eternal growth, it is necessary to overwrite a notion of literary history as a horizontal line divided into neat periods with a vision of literary history as a cobweb, the literary historian spinning together past and present to make them weird again.
Sider (fra-til)37-50
StatusUdgivet - jan. 2024


  • planetarity
  • climate
  • Anthropocene
  • literary history
  • weird
  • Planeten

    Frank, S. (Redaktør), Egholm Lund, S. (Redaktør), Ørtoft Rasmussen, S. (Redaktør) & Skiveren, T. (Redaktør), jan. 2024, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 136 s. (Passage; Nr. 90, Bind 38).

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