Liminal Listening: thinning the walls

Marie Højlund, Anne-Sofie Udsen

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


In this paper we use the metaphor of the wall, to propose a way to listen to walls and structures that uphold unequal access to political and social power within communities, through the concept of liminal listening. We situate our discussion within the theoretical framework of sonic citizenship that has gained popularity within sound studies research over the last few years (Kim, 2014; O’Toole, 2014; Andrisani, 2017; Anguiano, 2018; Højlund et al. 2021). Sonic citizenship is concerned with individuals' right to speak (and other forms of sonic expression) and be heard, as well as our duty to listen to others. Drawing on feminist citizenship theory, sonic citizenship can function as an exclusionary mechanism, in which some are speaking and heard more than others. This experience of exclusion we refer to as a liminal experience. Not all walls, doors or glass ceilings are visible, and often they are only visible to those who cannot get through (Ahmed, 2021). We propose that to listen liminally is to listen to the thresholds as both an act and a burden performed by those who experience liminality. For those it is an everyday mode of perception, for others it will be something to practice. Liminal listening starts with hearing other people scratching, and from here listen to the structures, not as mediators, but as inhibitors and translators of marginalized sounds. By listening to the structures, we are participating in the scratching and thereby thinning the walls.
Publikationsdato14 mar. 2024
StatusUdgivet - 14 mar. 2024
BegivenhedGendering Music Matter: Power, Affects, and Infrastructures of Music Industries - University of Copenhagen, København, Danmark
Varighed: 13 mar. 202415 mar. 2024


KonferenceGendering Music Matter: Power, Affects, and Infrastructures of Music Industries
LokationUniversity of Copenhagen
  • Sonic Citizenship

    Breinbjerg, M. (PI), Højlund, M. (PI) & Vandsø, A. (PI)

    04/01/2021 → …

    Projekter: ProjektForskning
