Kunst og overgangsalder: Blod, begær og usynlighed

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Where menstruation has become a well-established topic in visual art and criticism, not much has yet been done or written on menopause, although it has been a prominent topic in the broader visual culture (film, series, magazines etc.). The purpose of the article is twofold: Firstly, I want to provide an overview of a developing field of visual art that deals with menopause, secondly, I will analyse the surreal video Qu’un sang impur, 2019, by Pauline Curnier Jardin (b. 1980). In the bizarre video postmenopausal women bleed heavily when they see men they lust for. This will be the point of departure for a discussion of perceptions of blood, sexuality, and elderly women in the video and in society as such.
Vol/bind44: Blod
Sider (fra-til)35-62
StatusUdgivet - 31 maj 2024


  • overgangsalder
  • kunst
  • repræsentation
  • sex
  • alder
  • Pauline Curnier Jardin
  • Jean Genet
