Influence of the concentrate inclusion level in a grass silage-based diet on hepatic transcriptomic profiles in Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in early lactation

Z. Cheng, M. W. Little, C. Ferris, H. Takeda, K. L. Ingvartsen, M. A. Crowe, D. C. Wathes, GplusE Consortium

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5 Citationer (Scopus)


Excessive negative energy balance in early lactation is linked to an increased disease risk but may be mitigated by appropriate nutrition. The liver plays central roles in both metabolism and immunity. Hepatic transcriptomic profiles were compared between 3 dietary groups in each of 40 multiparous and 18 primiparous Holstein-Friesian cows offered isonitrogenous grass silage-based diets with different proportions of concentrates: (1) low concentrate (LC, 30% concentrate + 70% grass silage); (2) medium concentrate (MC, 50% concentrate + 50% grass silage), or (3) high concentrate (HC, 70% concentrate + 30% grass silage). Liver biopsies were taken from all cows at around 14 d in milk for RNA sequencing, and blood metabolites were measured. The sequencing data were analyzed separately for primiparous and multiparous cows using CLC Genomics Workbench V21 (Qiagen Digital Insights), focusing on comparisons between HC and LC groups. More differentially expressed genes (DEG) were seen between the primiparous cows receiving HC versus LC diets than for multiparous cows (597 vs. 497), with only 73 in common, indicating differential dietary responses. Multiparous cows receiving the HC diet had significantly higher circulating glucose and insulin-like growth factor-1 and lower urea than those receiving the LC diet. In response to HC, only the multiparous cows produced more milk. In these animals, bioinformatic analysis indicated expression changes in genes regulating fatty acid metabolism and biosynthesis (e.g., ACACA, ELOVL6, FADS2), increased cholesterol biosynthesis (e.g., CYP7A1, FDPS, HMGCR), downregulation in hepatic AA synthesis (e.g., GPT, GCLC, PSPH, SHMT2), and decreased expression of acute phase proteins (e.g., HP, LBP, SAA2). The primiparous cows on the HC diet also downregulated genes controlling AA metabolism and synthesis (e.g., CTH, GCLC, GOT1, ODC1, SHMT2) but showed higher expression of genes indicative of inflammation (e.g., CCDC80, IL1B, S100A8) and fibrosis (e.g., LOX, LUM, PLOD2). This potentially adverse response to a HC diet in physically immature animals warrants further investigation.

TidsskriftJournal of Dairy Science
Sider (fra-til)5805-5824
Antal sider20
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2023


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