How Time Constraints in a Creativity Support Tool Affect the Creative Writing Experience

Michael Mose Biskjaer, Jonas Frich Pedersen, Lindsay Macdonald Vermeulen, Christian Remy, Peter Dalsgaard

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Being able to write ‘on cue’ is critical in text-based, creative domains, since time is often a limited resource. Although numerous digital-interactive Creativity Support Tools (CSTs) are available, writing applications with features to support creative writing as a time-constrained activity have scarcely evolved since the 1960s. This is striking, since studies show that time constraints may benefit creativity. We present an exploratory survey-based, qualitative user experience study of how a writing application prototype designed to accel- erate text production by imposing time constraints affects a creative writing task among high school students (n=45). Using thematic analysis, we report how implicit and explicit time constraints built into the GUI (graphical user inter- face) influence how users experience time pressure and the quantity vs. quality, initiation, and revision of their creative writing process. We discuss how writing applications may develop to incorporate time constraints to support creative writing, as well as the need for increased tool literacy.
TitelECCE 2019: Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics : ''Design for Cognition''
RedaktørerM Mulvenna, R Bond
Antal sider8
ForlagAssociation for Computing Machinery
Publikationsdatosep. 2019
ISBN (Trykt)978-1-4503-7166-7
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781450371667
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2019
BegivenhedEuropean Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE 2019) - Ulster University, Belfast, Storbritannien
Varighed: 10 sep. 201913 sep. 2019
Konferencens nummer: 31


KonferenceEuropean Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE 2019)
LokationUlster University


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