Heat kernel analysis for Bessel operators on symmetric cones

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We investigate the heat equation corresponding to the Bessel operators on a symmetric cone $Ω=G/K$. These operators form a one-parameter family of elliptic self-adjoint second order differential operators and occur in the Lie algebra action of certain unitary highest weight representations. The heat kernel is explicitly given in terms of a multivariable $I$-Bessel function on $Ω$. Its corresponding heat kernel transform defines a continuous linear operator between $L^p$-spaces. The unitary image of the $L^2$-space under the heat kernel transform is characterized as a weighted Bergmann space on the complexification $G_{\mathbb C}/K_{\mathbb C}$ of $Ω$, the weight being expressed explicitly in terms of a multivariable $K$-Bessel function on $Ω$. Even in the special case of the symmetric cone $Ω=\mathbb{R}_+$ these results seem to be new.
TidsskriftJournal of Lie Theory
Sider (fra-til)373-396
Antal sider24
StatusUdgivet - 2014


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