Health monitoring in farm pigs used for research purposes - a practical example

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In 2020 the new FELASA recommendations for health monitoring of pigs used for research were published. Many animals origin from production farms and may carry a complex mixture of patho- gens. At our research facility, several experiments focus on car- diovascular and pulmonary physiology, thus these organ systems are of importance when designing a health monitoring strategy. Following infection of our supplier’s herd with porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) we initiated a health status evaluation of a new supplier based on FELASA recommendations and pathogens prevalent in Denmark. 180 Laboratory Animals 56(1S) Twenty pigs were enrolled in the study and placed in a desig- nated area of the stable facility. Clinical scores and diagnostic samples were collected at day 1, 12 and upon termination (day 26–49) to investigate initial health and potential infections attained at the research farm. Pathogens examined were: actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, mycoplasma hyopnemoniae, influenza, PCV- 2, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, bordetella bronchiseptica, pasteurella multocida toxin A. Analyses day 1 were negative, except for bordetella bronchi- septica (17/20). Analyses day 12 tested via antibody assays were negative. At termination 9/19 pigs tested positive for PCV-2. In conclusion, the pigs were PCV-2-infected at our facility. A thorough sanitation process in combination with vaccination and monitoring was instituted to ensure eradication of the infection. The publication of health monitoring work in farm pigs is scarce, but in our belief, it is paramount to publish this work to enable a discussion between peers managing pigs for research purposes.
TidsskriftLaboratory Animals
Nummer1, suppl.
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2022
BegivenhedFELASA 2022 - Marseille Chanot Exhibition and Convention Centre, Marseille, Frankrig
Varighed: 13 jun. 202216 jun. 2022


KonferenceFELASA 2022
LokationMarseille Chanot Exhibition and Convention Centre
