Hand eczema among hairdressing apprentices in Denmark following a nationwide prospective intervention programme: 6-year follow-up

Sanne S Steengaard, Anne Bregnhøj, Jeanne D Johansen

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avisTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


BACKGROUND: Hand eczema is the commonest occupational skin disease in Denmark, and hairdressing is a high-risk profession. In 2008-2010, a clinically controlled, prospective intervention study aimed at reducing the development of hand eczema was conducted at hairdressing schools in Denmark. The findings showed that significantly fewer apprentices in the intervention group developed hand eczema over a period of 18 months.

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the long-term effect of the intervention.

METHODS: Two hundred and eighty-four participants were identified from the original dataset, and were sent a questionnaire.

RESULTS: No difference was seen between the intervention and control groups. This may partly be attributable to the two groups no longer being well matched, and improved work habits in the control group. Overall, there was an improvement in work habits. Participants had a 1-year prevalence of hand eczema of 22.4%. Reactions to hair dye were reported for 24.5%, and 35.5% had left the trade; 36.4% used gloves when shampooing, and 21.3% stated that they cut hair before colouring it.

CONCLUSIONS: The effect of the intervention was not visible after 6 years, but an overall improvement in work habits was noted.

TidsskriftContact Dermatitis
Sider (fra-til)32-40
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - jul. 2016


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