Greener Information Systems for Product Configuration Management: Towards Adaptation to Sustainability Requirements

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2 Citationer (Scopus)


The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the need to reconceptualize the dimension of product life-cycle management systems related to product configuration to embrace data of the specific sustainability impact of the configuration choices. While this is very much related to physical products, the information systems dimension is fundamental to include to model, decide, document, trace and review sustainability of products. This paper is based on a longitudinal case study along with a comprehensive literature review. Key findings related to the isolation of product configuration systems as key determinants for specific sustainability in a governed and traceable form. These systems do largely not cover sustainability as of today: A redesign is needed. A research agenda is outlined combining sustainability-thinking with socio-technical design. A proposal for the design is presented using a multi-level, multi-tier approach to Product Configuration Systems. The process has major implications around in the industry as legislators are mandating extensive documentation for specific choices and documentation of the sustainability impact of physical products.

TitelProceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - (Volume 2)
RedaktørerJoaquim Filipe, Michal Smialek, Alexander Brodsky, Slimane Hammoudi
Antal sider10
ForlagScience and Technology Publications, Lda
ISBN (Elektronisk)9789897586927
StatusUdgivet - 2024
Begivenhed26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2024 - Angers, Frankrig
Varighed: 28 apr. 202430 apr. 2024


Konference26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2024
NavnInternational Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS - Proceedings


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