Existence of surface smectic states of liquid crystals

Søren Fournais, Ayman Kachmar*, Xing Bin Pan

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The Landau–de Gennes model of liquid crystals is a functional acting on wave functions (order parameters) and vector fields (director fields). In a specific asymptotic limit of the physical parameters, we construct critical points such that the wave function (order parameter) is localized near the boundary of the domain, and we determine a sharp localization of the boundary region where the wave function concentrates. Furthermore, we compute the asymptotics of the energy of such critical points along with a boundary energy that may serve in localizing the director field. In physical terms, our results prove the existence of a surface smectic state.

TidsskriftJournal of Functional Analysis
Sider (fra-til)900-958
Antal sider59
StatusUdgivet - 1 feb. 2018


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    Fournais, S. (PI), Madsen, P. (Deltager), Mikkelsen, S. (Deltager), Miqueu, J.-P. C. (Deltager) & Bley, G. (Deltager)


    Projekter: ProjektForskning
