Energy level and milking frequency at dry-off do not affect colostrogenesis in dairy cows

Mogens Larsen, Milani Bhagya Samarasinghe, Lorenzo E Hernandez Castellano

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This study aimed to evaluate whether the different management strategies used at dry-off based on energy level and milking frequency can affect colostrogenesis prepartum, influencing therefore colostrum yield and composition in dairy cows. In this study, 40 Holstein cows dried-off from 1st, 2nd and 3rd lactation with milk yield ≥15 kg/d were used in a randomized block (parity groups 1st or 2nd+3rd) design with 4 treatments in a 2×2 factorial arrangement. Cows were continuously enrolled every second week in batches of 2-6 cows. Treatments were based on feeding either 100% (HEn) or 50% (LEn) energy requirements for late lactation cows and milked either twice (HMi) or once (LMi) daily in the last week before dry-off. Therefore, these resulted in the following experimental groups: (1) HEn-HMi (n=10); (2) HEn-LMi (n=9); (3) LEn-HMi (n=13); and (4) LEn-LMi (n=11). After dry-off, cows were fed with a ration formulated to fulfil all nutritional requirements for dry cows. Within 6 h postpartum, cows were milked and the colostrum yield and BRIX% were recorded. In addition, colostrum samples were used to determine fat, protein, somatic cell count (SCC), immunoglobulin G (IgG) and calcium concentrations as well as lactate dehydrogenase activity (LDH). A one-way ANOVA model was used including fixed effects of energy level (100 vs 50% energy requirements), milking frequency (twice vs once daily), and the interaction between both. Significance was set at P<0.05. None of the effects tested in this experiment (i.e. energy level and milking frequency) affected either colostrum yield (10.2±0.89 l) or BRIX%
(25.5±0.79%) (P>0.05). Similarly, treatments affected neither contents of fat (4.53±0.66%), protein (15.3±0.99%), IgG (79.0±9.84 mg/ml), calcium (60.0±3.81 mM), SCC (2.91±0.13 log10/ml) nor LDH (1.85±0.07 log10/ml) activity (P>0.05) in colostrum. In conclusion, the dry-off strategies based on either energy level or milking frequency did not seem to affect colostrum yield and composition.
TitelBook of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science
RedaktørerE. Strandberg, L. Pinotti, S. Messori, D. Kenny, M. Lee, J.F. Hocquette, V.A.P. Cadavez, S. Millet, R. Evans, T. Veldkamp, M. Pastell, G. Pollott
Antal sider1
ForlagWageningen Academic Publishers
Publikationsdatoaug. 2021
ISBN (Trykt)978-90-8686-366-2
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-90-8686-918-3
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2021
Begivenhed72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science - Congress Centre Davos, Davos, Schweiz
Varighed: 29 aug. 20213 sep. 2021


Konference72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science
LokationCongress Centre Davos
NavnEAAP Book of Abstracts


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