Enclave Development and Socio-spatial Transformations in Asian Borderlands

Mona Chettri, Michael Eilenberg

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Development Zones in Asian Borderlands traces the social, spatial, and economic transformation of Asian borderlands into development zones of capital accumulation, experimentation, and dispossession. While the economic imperative remains central to the origins of development zones, equally important are the individuals, institutions and networks that emerge from them. In turn, these networks and relationships are entangled in cross-cutting and overlapping relationships that create and maintain a
development zone. Development Zones therefore encompass the various social, political, and economic networks specifijic to spatially bound, development-related activity, including Special Economic Zones (SEZs), export processing zones, casinos, and technology enclaves. Development Zones in Asian Borderlands locates a set of common vocabulary to identify and analyse economic zones in borderlands as sites of productivity, development, and politics in the borderlands of South and Southeast Asia.
TitelDevelopment Zones in Asian Borderlands
RedaktørerMichael Eilenberg, Mona Chettri
ForlagAmsterdam University Press
Publikationsdato3 maj 2021
ISBN (Trykt)9789463726238
StatusUdgivet - 3 maj 2021
NavnAsian Borderlands


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