Effect of infill nonlinearity on frame response to tunnelling

Yalin Yu, Andrea Franza, L. Neves, Alec M. Marshall

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Tunnel construction is needed for infrastructure development in urban areas. However, underground excavation can detrimentally influence adjacent buildings; in particular, for framed structures with shallow foundations, damage would localise in the infill walls. This paper uses a two-stage analysis method (TSAM) to evaluate the effect of infill nonlinearity on the frame response to tunnelling. First, TSAM results are validated using centrifuge experimental and advanced numerical results. Then, the influence of the infill nonlinearity on the foundation displacements and building deformation parameters are analysed, considering both long and short structures. During this stage, the reinforced concrete (RC) frame and the endwall are modelled as elastic, while both elastic and advanced constitutive models are adopted for the masonry infills. Finally, the role of infill nonlinearity in frame shear and bending behaviours is investigated.

TitelGeotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground (IS-Macau 2024)
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2024


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