Democracy and care: values education in Nordic preschools

Ole Henrik Hansen, Anders Skriver Jensen, Stig Broström

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/proceedingBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


    This chapter deals with caring and democratic values expressed in interaction between educators and children (between one to five years) in Nordic preschool settings. Data consist of video sequences based in several preschools from each Nordic countries. The theoretical position is based on Tomasello and Klafki . Democratic values are with reference to Klafki related to influence, rights, freedom, co-determination solidarity and emphatic life style. Care is expressed when the educator shows a specific emotional attitude, openness and sensitivity and strives to understand the child’s perspective, and with reference to Tomasello when the practitioner creates zones of joint attention.
    Interaction between children and practitioners build on a complexity of values and the analysis of data shows a concurrently prevalence of caring, disciplinary and democratic values. In this chapter focus is on caring and democratic values. The research question emphasises four dimensions: How are caring and democratic values communicated in interactions between children and practitioners? In what extent are the two values overlapping, and how can we name and characterise different forms of caring and democratic values? How can practitioners make up a goal-directed and intentional practice focusing on democratic and caring values?
    The research shows that nevertheless caring and democratic values often are overlapping and expressed simultaneous it is possible to establish a numbers of subcategories, which is needed in order to create an intentional and goal-oriented values education.
    TitelInternational Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development : concepts, approaches and practices
    RedaktørerEva Johansson, Anette Emilson, Anna-Maija Puroila
    Antal sider12
    Publikationsdato15 maj 2018
    ISBN (Trykt)9783319755588
    ISBN (Elektronisk)978-3-319-75559-5
    StatusUdgivet - 15 maj 2018
    NavnIntenational perspectives on early childhood eduation and development


    • Caring values
    • Dagtilbud
    • Dannelse/demokrati/værdier
    • Democratic values
    • Disciplinary values
    • Early childhood
    • Nordic values
    • Practice


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    • Værdier i dagtilbud

      Broström, S. (Foredragsholder)

      12 jun. 2018

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