Craniofacial Growth from Pre- to Post-Adolescence in Humans: Abstracts of Houston Oral and Poster Presentations and Scientific Posters

Aleksandra Maciejewska-Turek, Malgorzata Bilinska, Hans L L Wellens, Piotr S Fudalej

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avisKonferenceabstrakt i tidsskriftForskningpeer review


AIM: Craniofacial growth demonstrates significant variation and is difficult to predict. The aim of the present
investigation was twofold: 1) to assess the association (covariation) between craniofacial shape pre- and
post-adolescence and 2) to evaluate if pre-adolescent craniofacial shape is related (covaries) with growth
magnitude and direction.
SUBJECTS AND METHOD: One hundred and fifty subjects (86 males, 64 females) untreated orthodontically
were selected from the AAOF Craniofacial Growth Legacy Collection. Each subject had cephalograms taken
before 9 (pre-adolescent stage) and after 15 years of age (post-adolescent). Fourteen curves comprising 123
points (10 fixed and 113 sliding semi-landmarks) comprehensively covering the craniofacial skeleton were
digitally traced on each cephalogram. Procrustes alignment, principal component analysis, two-block partial
least squares (2B-PLS) analysis, and regression analysis were done after sliding the semi-landmarks to
minimize bending energy.
RESULTS: The first 16 principal components (PCs) were non-trivial and explained 85.2 per cent of total shape
variability in the sample. PC1 depicted mainly variability in the vertical direction, PC2 represented mostly
variability in the saddle angle and in the antero-posterior position of the mandible, and PC3 depicted
primarily variability of the mandibular shape (steep versus flat mandibular plane). The covariation between
pre- and post-adolescent facial shape was statistically significant, both in the pooled sample (RV coefficient
= 0.604) and in boys (RV = 0.639) and girls (RV = 0.629). The pre-adolescent shape was weakly associated
with the magnitude of facial change - 2Block-PLS analysis demonstrated that blocks 1 and 2 were
independent (P = 0.118, RV = 0.035); on the other hand, regression analysis showed that gender was the
strongest predictor of the magnitude of shape change (P = 0.001, r2 = 0.108) followed by PC4 (P = 0.015, r2
= 0.039) and PC7 (P = 0.018, r2 = 0.024).
CONCLUSIONS: The pre-adolescent shape of the craniofacial complex explained approximately 60 per cent
of the post-adolescent shape of the craniofacial complex; however, the relationship between preadolescent
shape of the craniofacial complex and magnitude of its change was weak.
TidsskriftEuropean Journal of Orthodontics
Sider (fra-til)e81
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2021
BegivenhedEuropean Orthodontic Society
Virtual Online Congress 2021
- Online - virtuel konference
Varighed: 2 jul. 20213 jul. 2021


KonferenceEuropean Orthodontic Society
Virtual Online Congress 2021
LokationOnline - virtuel konference
