Corrigendum to “Profiling circulating miRNAs in serum from pigs infected with the porcine whipworm, Trichuris suis” [Vet. Parasitol. 223 (2016) 30–33], (S0304401716300772), (10.1016/j.vetpar.2016.03.025))

Eline Palm Hansen, Helene Kringel, Stig Milan Thamsborg, Aaron Jex, Peter Nejsum

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avisKorrigendumForskningpeer review


We have observed an error in the calculations of the results presented in the paper. The mean Ct of stable miRNAs should have been subtracted from the mean Ct of target miRNAs – in the paper the numbers have been replaced (p. 31, column 2, line 6–9). Due to this calculation error, the fold changes are negative rather than positive as presented in Fig. 1(A). The corrected version of Fig. 1(A) and figure text is provided below. Therefore, the miRNA ssc-let-7d-3p is not up-regulated, as stated in the paper, but down-regulated by 1.7 fold, which changes the authors’ perception of its potential role. As alternative to what is discussed at p. 31, column 2, line 32–66, we suggest the following: “miRNAs have recently been described in the characterization of the T. suis genome (Jex et al., 2014). In that study, tsu-let-7a was consistently the most highly transcribed miRNA encoded by the parasite and transcription was highest in the stichosome of the adult worm embedded within the pig gut epithelium (Fig. 1B). While this is to be expected, given the important role let-7 plays in worm biology (Reinhart et al., 2000), it is noteworthy that the seed sequence of tsu-let-7a shows perfect complementarity to the IL-13 3′UTR let-7 family target sequence (Polikepahad et al., 2010). Based on this we hypothesize that tsu-let-7a can target and block the synthesis of IL-13 which could serve as a sophisticated survival mechanism for the parasites. An in-depth analysis is needed to reveal the targets of ssc-let-7d-3p in pigs and which cellular processes this miRNA may interfere with, however, it is intriguing that ssc-let-7d-3p shows high complementarity to tsu-let-7a (Fig. 1C). We also hypothesize that tsu-let-7a binds to ssc-let-7d-3p and that the duplex consequently is taken out of circulation, hence the lower level measured in serum. That an elevated IL-13 level is reached in the pigs, despite this presumed attempt from the parasites to hinder it, is supported by Andreasen et al. (2015) who found a significant up-regulation of IL-13 (fold change = 26.9) at day 35 post infection with T. suis.”

TidsskriftVeterinary Parasitology
Sider (fra-til)1
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 15 jan. 2018


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