Co-creating science communication and research with young people about their mental health during the covid-19 crisis

Signe Herbers Poulsen, Nina Maindal, Gitte Kragh, Ulrik Bak Kirk, Kristian Oddershede, Mathias Sejerkilde, Stine B. Pedersen, Manizha Haghju, Emma Sinclair, Anne Harrits, Jacob Sherson, Carsten Obel

Publikation: KonferencebidragPosterForskningpeer review


A lot of young citizens experienced mental health challenges during the covid-19 lockdown as their everyday life was changed radically. They had to stay at home and were excluded from normal social activities. As part of the project “Giving young people a voice”, we initiated science communication with young people about their
mental health - as well as co-creation of coping strategies for empowerment. To enforce this process, we engaged in a close collaboration with a group of young people as co-researchers in planning and execution of a co-creation workshop, data collection, analysis, and communication.
Publikationsdatookt. 2022
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2022
BegivenhedECREA - Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, Danmark
Varighed: 19 okt. 202222 okt. 2022
Konferencens nummer: 9


LokationAarhus Universitet
  • Giv De Unge Ordet

    Obel, C. L. (PI), Kirk, U. B. (Projektleder), Poulsen, S. H. (Deltager), Maindal, N. (Projektkoordinator), Sherson, J. (Deltager), Hjorth, A. (Deltager), Kragh, G. (Deltager), Harrits, A. (Deltager), Greve, L. (Deltager), Bjerg, T. W. (PI), Sabra, J. B. S. (Deltager), Native, C. A. (Deltager), Svendsen, K. (Deltager) & Mortensen, A. A. (Deltager)

    Novo Nordisk Fonden


    Projekter: ProjektForskning
