Building Innovation Capacity: Research framework and findings

Ulrik Brandi, Lars Bengtsson, Åsa Lindholm Dahlstrand, Maria Marquard, Jessica Wadin

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskningpeer review


This final report accounts for the framework and key results from the VIN-NOVA funded research and development project, Building Innovation Capacity. The purpose for the BIC project has been to explore two features of innovation capacity: 1. how are we to explain and measure in-novation capacity; 2. How can innovation capacity be developed. Overall, the BIC project shows that an organization's innovation ability is constituted by how capacities, capabilities, and external orientation are associated and employed to mobilize, transform, and use knowledge and ideas to bolster enterprises’ competitive advantage, and innovative performance. In the BIC project, we have shown that a Nordic learning model holds promise as a competence development method for the improvement of the capability dimension. Capability is a key feature of an organization's ability to create stronger and more sustainable innovation.
Antal sider72
Rekvirerende organisationVINNOVA - Sweden's Innovation Agency
StatusUdgivet - 2023
