Borgen and Netflix: A Match Made in...?

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The licensing, co-financing and commissioning activities of globally oriented subscription-video-on-demand (SVoD) services in local media markets are accompanied by a complex set of repercussions depending on the particularities of the respective industry. This chapter focuses on the fourth season of critically acclaimed Borgen, released in 2022 by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation and subsequently on Netflix. How and why the new season of Borgen came into being exemplifies a wide range of interesting dynamics within a field that is both marked by complex commercial and media political agendas.
TitelTV Drama in the Multiplatform Era : Transnational Coproduction and Cultural Specificity
RedaktørerTrisha Dunleavy, Elke Weissmann
Antal sider24
ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
StatusUdgivet - 2023
