Bootstrap Sequential Determination of the Co-integration Rank in VAR Models

Cavaliere Guiseppe, Anders Rahbæk, A.M. Robert Taylor

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    Determining the co-integrating rank of a system of variables has become a
    fundamental aspect of applied research in macroeconomics and finance. It is wellknown
    that standard asymptotic likelihood ratio tests for co-integration rank
    of Johansen (1996) can be unreliable in small samples with empirical rejection
    frequencies often very much in excess of the nominal level. As a consequence,
    bootstrap versions of these tests have been developed. To be useful, however,
    sequential procedures for determining the co-integrating rank based on these
    bootstrap tests need to be consistent, in the sense that the probability of selecting
    a rank smaller than (equal to) the true co-integrating rank will converge to
    zero (one minus the marginal significance level), as the sample size diverges, for
    general I(1) processes. No such likelihood-based procedure is currently known
    to be available. In this paper we fill this gap in the literature by proposing
    a bootstrap sequential algorithm which we demonstrate delivers consistent cointegration
    rank estimation for general I(1) processes. Finite sample Monte Carlo
    simulations show the proposed procedure performs well in practice.
    UdgiverInstitut for Økonomi, Aarhus Universitet
    Antal sider23
    StatusUdgivet - 2010


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