Atomic-Scale View on the H2O Formation Reaction from H2 on O-Rich RuO2(110)

Yinying Wei, Umberto Martinez, Lutz Lammich, Flemming Besenbacher, Stefan Wendt

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The H2O formation reaction from H-2 on O-rich RuO2(110) was studied by temperature-programmed desorption and reaction (TPD/TPR) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. On the one hand, following H-2 adsorption at 270 K, our TPD/TPR measurements reveal that the on-top O species (Oot) enhances the sticking probability of H-2, thus facilitating the H-2 adsorption and dissociation on O-rich RuO2(110). On the other hand, for low H-2 adsorption temperature (170 K), the limited mobility of Had species hinders H-2 adsorption at a high coverage of preadsorbed Oot. To better understand the strong influence of the adsorption temperature and the interplay between coadsorbed species, we conducted DFT calculations and high-resolution STM measurements. Two distinct adsorbate configurations, Had-Oot and Oot-Had-Oot, are identified by STM. Mechanisms and molecular models for H-2 dissociation and Had diffusion on O-rich RuO2(110) are proposed.
TidsskriftThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C
Sider (fra-til) 27989-27997
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - nov. 2014


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