Approximability and Parameterized Complexity of Minmax Values

Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen, Thomas Dueholm Hansen, Peter Bro Miltersen, Troels Bjerre Sørensen

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    We consider approximating the minmax value of a multi player game in strategic form. Tightening recent bounds by Borgs et al., we observe that approximating the value with a precision of ε log n digits (for any constant ε > 0) is NP-hard, where n is the size of the game. On the other hand, approximating the value with a precision of c log log n digits (for any constant c ≥ 1) can be done in quasi-polynomial time. We consider the parameterized complexity of the problem, with the parameter being the number of pure strategies k of the player for which the minmax value is computed. We show that if there are three players, k = 2 and there are only two possible rational payoffs, the minmax value is a rational number and can be computed exactly in linear time. In the general case, we show that the value can be approximated wigh any polynomial number of digits of accuracy in time n^O(k) . On the other hand, we show that minmax value approximation is W[1]-hard and hence not likely to be fixed parameter tractable. Concretely, we show that if k-C LIQUE requires time n^Ω(k) then so does minmas value computation.
    BogserieLecture Notes in Computer Science
    Sider (fra-til)684-695
    Antal sider12
    StatusUdgivet - 2008
    Begivenhed4th International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics - Shanghai, Kina
    Varighed: 17 dec. 200820 dec. 2008
    Konferencens nummer: 4


    Konference4th International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics


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