Adolescents' views on health, inequality in health and action for health

Bente Jensen, B. B. Jensen

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogForskning


    The publication presents for the first time selected data from a survey of the attitudes of 13 to 15 year olds in Denmark. The survey indicates that the adolescents know that health is inequitably distributed. In addition. they strongly believe that everyone should have the sam opportunities to maintain health and avoid illness. The survey reveals among other important results, that adolescents have sunstantial potential relationg to visiones and desire to take action, even though they are seldom given optimum conditions for expressing this action potential. Future Research publications from the Research Programme for Environmental and Helath Education at The Danish University of Education will explore these perpectives further.
    ForlagThe Ministry of the Interior and Health, Denmark
    Udgave1. udgave
    Antal sider48
    ISBN (Trykt)111
    StatusUdgivet - 2002


    • The Danish University of Education
    • Emdrupvej 101
    • 2400 NV
    • DK
