Accuracy of genomic prediction of dry matter intake in Dutch Holsteins using sequence variants from meta-analyses

Birgit Gredler-Grandl*, B. Raymond, G.C.B. Schopen, P.K. Chitneedi, Zexi Cai, Coralia Ines V Manzanilla Pech, Terhi Iso-Touru, Daniel Fischer, Sunduimijid Bolormaa, Tatiane C.S. Chud, F S Schenkel, Yabing Wang, Changxi Li, Dagnachew Hailemariam, B. Villanueva, A. Fernandez, C Kuehn, Goutam Sahana, M Lidauer, J.E. PryceOscar González-Recio, Graham Plastow, Christine F. Baes, Noureddine Charfeddine, Y de Haas, Roel Veerkamp, Aniek C Bouwman

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/proceedingKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


We evaluated the accuracy of biology informed genomic prediction for dry matter intake in 2,162 Dutch Holstein cows. Sequence variants were selected from meta-analyses including GWAS summary statistics for QTL and metabolomic QTL in several dairy and crossbred beef populations. Selected variants were prioritized in GBLUP models in a five-fold crossvalidation. The accuracies were compared to genomic prediction based on routine 50k genotype data. The average accuracy for the 50k scenario was 0.683. Adding selected sequence variants in the GBLUP model did not improve the accuracies for dry matter intake. Next steps will
include testing Bayesian variable selection methods to prioritize variants in genomic prediction for dry matter intake.
TitelWCGALP 2022 Programme book
Antal sider4
ForlagWageningen Academic Publishers
Publikationsdatojul. 2022
StatusUdgivet - jul. 2022
BegivenhedWorld Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production - Rotterdam, Holland
Varighed: 3 jul. 20228 jul. 2022
Konferencens nummer: 12


KonferenceWorld Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production
