A practical guide to paired inspection

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskningpeer review


Communication has frequently been identified as a challenging aspect of the inspection process (Mc Loughlin, 2022). Inspectors must communicate with economic operators1 on compliance and non-compliance in accordance with legislation but they are also tasked with explaining the underpinning rationale and background of legislative requirements. Based on a ‘Review on Responsive Approaches to Inspection Processes’ (Anneberg & Rousing, 2017), EURCAW-Pigs has produced materials to assist inspectors with this central part of their role, such as videos to complement inspector training. As part of these activities, we previously suggested conducting inspection in pairs during training and/or everyday inspection (Anneberg & Rousing, 2017, p. 3). Therefore, this paper examines the benefits, challenges, and practicalities of conducting inspection in pairs, with a specific focus on farm inspection. However, many of the benefits, challenges, and practical recommendations are applicable to inspection at slaughter and transport.
In order to meaningfully detail the benefits, challenges, and practical recommendations, this paper draws ona wide range of literature but crucially gained insights from inspectors through an online survey that was distributed through my own and the associated EURCAW-Pigs network. The survey included 15 questionsand was distributed to 40 inspectors. 18 completed the survey, a further 4 started but did not complete. The aim of the survey is to gather insights from their experiences, the success of pair inspection, and any challenges they have experienced. It is not designed to be a representative sample of European inspectors as this was not possible within the timeframe, but an information-gathering exercise to identify advantages, disadvantages, and unforeseen aspects of paired inspection that may be possibly lacking from the literature
on paired inspection.
ForlagThe European Union Reference Centre for Animal Welfare Pigs (EURCAW-Pigs)
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2023


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