A continuum analysis of piles affected by an advancing tunnel excavation during centrifuge tests with a miniature TBM

Eugene K. L. Wong, Andrea Franza, A.S.N. Alagha, Giulia M.B. Viggiani

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A two-stage model based on the elastic continuum approach and nonlinear nearpile stress transfer mechanism is used to study the three-dimensional behaviour of piles under the influence of an advancing tunnel boring machine (TBM). In particular, this continuum analysis is compared with the results of centrifuge tests carried out using a novel miniature TBM excavating in clay in the vicinity of piled foundations. The greenfield tunnelling-induced movements, a key input for the two-stage model, were estimated empirically by back-analysing the surface greenfield settlements and pile settlements measured during the centrifuge tests. The predictions of tunnelling-induced and post-tunnelling pile behaviour obtained with the continuum approach are compared with the measured settlements and axial forces for a row of single piles under constant external load. This provides further insights into the effects of TBM advancement on deep foundations. Future work will address pile groups with rigid elevated caps.

TitelGeotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground (IS-Macau 2024)
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2024
