18 Years of Ethics in Child-Computer Interaction Research: A Systematic Literature Review

Maarten Van Mechelen, Gokce Elif Baykal, Christian Dindler, Eva Eriksson, Ole Sejer Iversen

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/proceedingKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review

50 Citationer (Scopus)


Recent years have seen growing interest in ‘ethics’ within the Child-Computer Interaction (CCI) community. In this paper, we take stock of 18 years of CCI research by conducting a systematic literature study exploring how and to what extent ethics has been dealt with in CCI research. Searching all papers in the Interaction Design and Children (IDC) conference proceedings and in the International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction (IJCCI), 157 papers were found that use the word stem ‘ethic*’. Based on our analysis of these papers, our study demonstrates that while ethics is frequently mentioned, the literature remains underdeveloped in a number of areas including definition and theoretical basis, the reporting of formal ethical approval procedures, and the extent to which design and participation ethics is dealt with. Based on our study we provide five avenues of future research in the interests of developing a more explicit discourse on ethics in CCI.
TitelProceedings of the Interaction Design and Children Conference, IDC 2020
Antal sider23
UdgivelsesstedNew York
ForlagAssociation for Computing Machinery
Publikationsdato21 jun. 2020
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-1-4503-7981-6
StatusUdgivet - 21 jun. 2020
BegivenhedIDC '20: Interaction Design and Children Conference - London, Storbritannien
Varighed: 21 jun. 202024 jun. 2020


KonferenceIDC '20: Interaction Design and Children Conference


  • #CCTD
