Urban Orders

Projekter: ProjektForskning



The aim with Urban Orders (URO) is to develop an ambitious and innovative interdisciplinary platform for the study of the relationship between contested urban rights and the seizure and ordering of urban spaces. Taking urban rights to signify those privileges (both formal and informal) that become associated with urban spaces and urban occupancies, URO will explore how such rights are contested and negotiated through the seizure and ordering of urban spaces by individual residents, broader collectives and formal institutions. Throughout history, public and private urban spaces have been key objects of political contestation and overlapping processes of ordering without, however, any ambitious interdisciplinary attempts have been made at fully understanding the consequences for people’s possibilities of acquiring urban rights. With URO, it is our ambition to close this significant gap.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/11/201401/12/2025


  • urban governance
  • architecture
  • Technology
  • urban space
  • conflicts
  • Methodological considerations

    Thelle, M. & Nielsen, T., 15 dec. 2015, Urban Youth and Outdoor Space in Gellerup. Thelle, M., Nielsen, M., Fabian, L. & Nielsen, T. (red.). Aarhus, s. 9-11 3 s.

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