Schools for Health in Europe Research Group

Projekter: ProjektForskning



The SHE research group is a consortium of researchers and research institutions from a number of countries in Europe, linked with the Schools for Health in Europe network. The research group is coordinated by the Research Programme for Health and Environmental Education at the Danish School Of Education, University of Aarhus and NIGZ as WHO Collaborating Centre for School Health Promotion. 
The main objective of the SHE research group is to support the development of school health promotion in Europe by stimulating, facilitating and coordinating conceptual, theoretical and empirical research.
The aims of the SHE research group are:
Facilitating and coordinating research and contributing to conceptual development as well as research-based evidence for the schools for health approach across Europe.
Research capacity building, stimulating research, and consultancy for the SHE members, in collaboration with the SHE planning committee
The main overall research area is health education and health promotion in schools, with particular focus on the health-promoting schools approach. Additionally, the research will aim to link health topics (e.g. nutrition, physical exercise, alcohol, smoking etc) with the whole-school approach to health promotion, focus on health-determinants, holistic view of health and health inequalities.
AkronymSHE Research Network
Effektiv start/slut dato18/12/201028/12/2018


  • <ingen navn>


  • sundhed
  • tværfaglighed
  • Miljø- og sundhedspædagogik
  • handlekompetence
  • deltagelse


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