Mola hydatidosa: Correlation mellem den makroskopiske fænotype, ploidy og prognose

Projekter: ProjektForskning



Correlation between the macroscopic phenotype and the ploidy, and the clinical outcome
In a prospective study, all samples are classified according to the macroscopical phenotype, and ploidy is determined by karyotyping. The results are correlated with information on whether the patient subsequently needs cancer chemotherapy.
Effektiv start/slut dato31/03/1986 → …


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  • The Danish Mole Project

    Sunde, L. (Deltager), Bolund, L. (Deltager), Niemann, I. (Deltager), Fisher, R. A. (Samarbejdspartner) & Slim, R. (Deltager)

    01/04/1986 → …

    Projekter: ProjektForskning