Healthy and affordable protein rich foods for African markets

Projekter: ProjektForskning



The project aims at creating a new business area for Danish dairy industry and producers of plant proteins through understanding of how to produce healthy and affordable, blended dairy products for the growing African middle-class based on mixtures of isolated proteins from plants (rapeseed is used as a model) and milk. Development of a healthy and affordable milk based product will secure a successful entry to the African market and have large business potential at the global market. Novel water-based methods for isolation of rapeseed protein fractions with desired functionality will be developed. A molecular understanding of how rapeseed proteins interact with milk proteins will be achieved enabling creation of new food products of high nutritive value. The nutritional quality of these new products will be evaluated in studies on ileum fistulated pigs. Protein quality determined by the new, FAO-recommended method DIAAS will be compared with growth of piglets and expression of growth markers to identify the protein fractions and protein blends that optimize growth. Mechanistic studies on how proteins or peptides released during digestion affect the release of growth factors will be performed, and short-term and long term human intervention studies will be conducted to show the effect of the developed blended dairy products on the expression on growth factors and growth. The products are particularly useful for populations suffering from moderate malnutrition during early stages of life, and West Africa is targeted as a market because of the high economic growth in that region. The project includes studies of consumer and food preferences in West Africa, and investigates how consumer behavior can be directed towards a healthier diet and which product types will have the highest appeal to the consumers.
Effektiv start/slut dato01/01/201631/08/2018


  • Protein