REGREEN WP5: Education, participation and awareness

  • Anderson, Sally Dean (PI)
  • Esbensen, Gertrud Lynge (Deltager)
  • Læssøe, Jeppe (Samarbejdspartner)
  • Ode, Åsa Sang (Samarbejdspartner)
  • Hedblom, Marcus (Deltager)
  • Mårtensson, Fredrika (Deltager)
  • Prévot-Julliard, Anne-Caroline (Samarbejdspartner)
  • Sierra-Jimenez, Mara Johanna (Deltager)
  • Turpin, Sebastian (Deltager)
  • Benateau, Simon (Deltager)
  • Wiström, Björn (Deltager)
  • Zhao, Bin (Deltager)

Projekter: ProjektForskning



REGREEN is a large international EU project, coordinated by Aarhus University, Department of Environmental Science. The project was designed to promote urban liveability by fostering nature-based solutions to urban environmental challenges in both Europe and China. It aims to accelerate the transition towards equitable, green and healthy cities through the development of evidence-based mapping, modelling and valuating tools, improved urban governance and promoting educational programs.

DPU/Sally Anderson led Work Package 5 on Education, Participation and Awareness. The aim of this work package was to develop educational programmes and tools for bringing knowledge, awareness and a sense of individual and collective agency to children, as future creators and custodians of viable Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). In collaboration with schools and municipalities, and drawing on state of the art citizen science programmes, participatory pedagogy, technology for environmental learning, and landscape laboratories, we created innovative, realistic, cost- and learning effective approaches to fostering children’s appreciation, understanding and involvement in local NBS.

WP5's international research team comprised:
- Professor Emeritus Jeppe Læssøe (DPU/AU)
- Post doc Gertrud Lynge Esbensen (DPU/AU)
- Senior researchers Åsa Sang, Fredrika Mårtensson, Marcus Hedblom and Björn Wiström (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU)
- Directrice de recherche Anne-Caroline Prevot, Postdoc Mara Sierra-Jimenez, Simon Bénateau, Sebastian Turpín (Centre d'Écologie et des Sciences de la Conservation, MNHN, Paris).
- Professor Bin Zhao, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

WP5 researchers collaborated with city officials in Velica Gorica (Croatia), Aarhus Kommune (Denmark), and Paris Region (Écologue chez IAU île-de-France), as well as with green business partners in Denmark (INTUGREEN), Germany (Olanis) and Croatia (ZEZ).

The full project description is available from the AU pure site here:


The full project description is available from the AU pure site here:

A permanent repository of output from REGREEN can be found on zenodo here:

Cordis link to REGREEN can be found here:
Effektiv start/slut dato02/09/201929/02/2024


  • children
  • nature
  • nature-based solutions
  • education
  • participation
  • learning
  • biodiversity


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