Entrepreneurship Education in the humanities

Projekter: ProjektForskning



In the current climate of reform in Higher Education there is a push towards streamlined on-time education where students are able to contribute to the economy in particular ways. Students in the Humanities, and their teachers, feel pressurized to become effective citizens for society. In addition there is a national agenda that questions the effectiveness and relevance of some disciplines in contemporary society. Motivated by the employability and relevance agenda this research group will focus on how entrepreneurship education is taught in the Humanities. This research group has a broader definition of entrepreneurship. The narrow focus is usually only about creating economical value through venture creation and start-ups. However humanities students are interested in working with a wide range of societal, welfare, health, and environmental problems and in solving problems around, for example equity, social justice, human rights, healthy living, life-style, green energy and waste. The broad definition here is about creating value for others through combining individual competences with academic knowledge to work with societal problems and create new knowledge and value for others. This research unit is interested in how these broader agendas are scaffolded and supported in teaching through entrepreneurship as a method.
The goal of teaching a broad definition of entrepreneurship is that students can:
• articulate their own skills and competences,
• develop an entrepreneurial mindset
• learn how to collaborate with others
• actively engage in real life challenges
• identify potential opportunities to create value for others
These objectives will be investigated from the perspectives of philosophy, design and experimental communities.
Research questions
How do students co-create with each other through their academic knowledge?
How can students link their academic knowledge to societal practices?
How is an entrepreneurial mindset developed in learning situations?
What methods nurture the development of an entrepreneurial mindset?
Effektiv start/slut dato01/11/201711/09/2020


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