ECOMARG - The effect of glyphosate and nitrogen on plant communities and the soil fauna in terrestrial biotopes at field margins

Projekter: ProjektForskning

Bidrag til bog/antologi


  • 2013

    Connecting the green and brown worlds: Allometric and stoichiometric predictability of above- and below-ground networks

    Mulder, C., Ahrestani, F. S., Bahn, M., Bohan, D. A., Bonkowski, M., Griffiths, B. S., Guicharnaud, R. A., Kattge, J., Krogh, P. H., Lavorel, S., Lewis, O. T., Mancinelli, G., Naeem, S., Peñuelas, J., Poorter, H., Reich, P. B., Rossi, L., Rusch, G. M., Sardans, J. & Wright, I. J., 25 nov. 2013, Advances in Ecological Research: Ecological Networks in an Agricultural World. Woodward, G. & Bohan, D. A. (red.). Academic Press, Bind 49. s. 69–175 (Advances in Ecological Research; Nr. 49).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/proceedingBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review

    71 Citationer (Scopus)