Development of novel test methods for improving the fundamental understanding of hydrogen and oxygen formation in alkaline electrolysis

Projekter: ProjektForskning



The Ph.D project “Development of Novel Test Methods for Improved Fundamental
Understanding of Hydrogen and Oxygen Formation in Alkaline Electrolysis” focuses
on research, technology development and innovation regarding the test of
electrodes used for production of “green” hydrogen. The project is carried out at
Advanced Surface Plating, which is a company focusing on development and large-
scale production of high-efficient electrodes for alkaline electrolysis. Production of
cost competitive and more energy efficient electrodes is a necessity for advancing
the field of renewable energy such as PtX solutions.
During the project, the Ph.D candidate will improve the fundamental understanding
of both the hydrogen (HER) and oxygen evolution reactions (OER) via development
of test cells operated at industrial relevant conditions. Furthermore, the HER and
OER are studied by neutron and x-ray imaging techniques, providing a 3D mapping
of the HER and OER within the porous nickel electrodes.

Project budget: 0.15 mio EUR

Funding Source
Industrial PhD – Innovation Foundation Denmark

Effektiv start/slut dato01/10/202230/09/2025