Cryptic Commons: Welcome to the Cryptic Commons – an online and physical exhibition about data-security, socio-mathematics, and interventions across scientific disciplines

  • Mannov, Adrienne (PI)
  • Oberborbeck Andersen, Astrid (Projektleder)
  • Zenner, Tinne (Samarbejdspartner)
  • Magnussen, Jan (Projektkoordinator)
  • Wisniewski, Rafal (PI)

Projekter: ProjektForskning



All aspects of our lives are currently being digitalized! What does this mean for our communities, public structures and our well-being?

Cryptic Commons is a space and concept that is under development and is formed through relations – a kind of socio-technical construction site – where data security, digitalization, cryptography and cyber-physical systems are objects for debate and co-creation.

This is the online version of an exhibition that also exists in a physical format. The physical format was exhibited at Aalborg University (Denmark) in November 2021.
Kort titelCryptic Commons
Effektiv start/slut dato08/11/202112/11/2021