Center for IT Project Management and Innovation

Projekter: ProjektForskning



IT Project Management and Innovation is based on a fruitful interdisciplinary collaboration among research groups across Faculties at Aarhus University, especially with researchers from the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Social Science, and from the Center for Science, Technology, and Society (STS)-Studies, School of Communication and Culture, Faculty of Arts. Collectively the researchers comprise a group with significant competences into IT project management theories and tools in respect to both practical application and empirical, qualitative research.

The purpose of the centre is twofold:

1) To create strong practice based research in IT Project Management and Innovation combining different scientific traditions and lenses.

2) To provide teaching resources and teaching materials to courses in IT-Project Management at all levels at the involved Faculties
Effektiv start/slut dato06/11/201231/12/2025


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