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Personlig profil


I am an Associate Professor in Educational Theory at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University. My research focuses on adult learning, transformative learning theory, expert knowledge, tacit knowing, and pedagogical practice. In my empirical work, I draw on ethnographic approaches, including video ethnography, narrative interviews, and video diaries. I have conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Austria, Germany, and Denmark. 

Before joining the Danish School of Education, I was a Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Education, Copenhagen University (2017-2019), and an Assistant Professor at the Department of Education, University of Graz (2013-2017). In 2013, I received my PhD from the University of Vienna, with a thesis on teaching and learning practices in the social sciences. My track record includes grants from the European Commission, the Aarhus University Research Foundation, the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and 15 research awards.  

Since 2022, I am the Link Convener of EERA Network 19: Ethnography, and a contributor to the DPU research programme TaT - Teachers and Teaching. You can also find me on Twitter @ClemensWieser



  • Kompetenceudvikling
  • Vidensteorier
  • Læring som tilblivelse
  • Læring og diversitet
  • Etnografi


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