Intet billede af Philip Pihl
  • Langelandsgade 139, 1586, 219

    8000 Aarhus C


  • Langelandsgade 139

    8000 Aarhus C



Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


My PhD project centers on the collective work of Danish artist couple Aase Seidler Gernes (1927-2018) and Poul Gernes (1925-1996). I wish to explore their work as a collective production, to investigate how this can open new interpretations of their work, which until today often has been credited as being created by Poul Gernes alone.

  • Program: Nye krige, nye billeder

    Pihl, P. (Arrangør)

    2 nov. 202330 nov. 2023

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i eller organisering af workshop, seminar eller kursus