• Bartholins Allé 7

    8000 Aarhus C



Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


My research focuses on how we can create the best possible conditions for research and for research to be applied in the development of innovative solutions that address challenges and create value for society. 

Key interests: Science, innovation & entrepreneurship policy; mission-oriented policy; technology entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial ecosystems; universities’ third mission; research commercialization; university-industry collaboration; university/R&D funding; societal impact of research.


I divide my time equally between the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy (CFA), Aarhus University, and the Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship (DTU Entrepreneurship) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Erhvervsøkonomi (forsknings- og innovationspolitik), Ph.d., Copenhagen Business School

1 nov. 200325 jun. 2007

Dimissionsdato: 25 jun. 2007

Management of Technology, Cand.Merc., Copenhagen Business School

1 sep. 20011 jun. 2003

International Business, HA, Copenhagen Business School

1 aug. 19971 jun. 2000

Eksterne ansættelser

Lektor, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

1 jan. 2023 → …

Seniorforsker, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

1 feb. 202231 dec. 2022

Analysechef, Tænketanken DEA

1 apr. 201428 feb. 2022

Seniorkonsulent, Tænketanken DEA

1 okt. 201231 mar. 2017

Chefkonsulent, Konsultentfirmaet DAMVAD

1 mar. 201030 sep. 2012

Konsulent, Konsultentfirmaet DAMVAD

1 feb. 200928 feb. 2010

Adjunkt, Copenhagen Business School

1 dec. 200731 jan. 2009

Forskningsadjunkt, Copenhagen Business School

1 mar. 200730 nov. 2007

Ph.d.-stipendiat, Copenhagen Business School

1 nov. 200328 feb. 2007


  • Forskningsfinansiering
  • Forskningspolitik
  • Innovationspolitik
  • Entrepreneurship


  • University policy
  • Science policy
  • Innovation and tech policy
  • Entrepreneurship policy
  • Societal impact of science


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