Projekter pr. år
Personlig profil
Bioanalytical chemistry in Environmental Engineering
We are pioneering new bioanalytical methods for high-resolution bioprofiling of bioactive molecules or toxic pollutants in complex mixtures such as micropollutants in wastewater and quorum sensing signals in biofilms. This so-called effect-directed analysis couples planar bioassays with chromatography and mass spectrometry and enables linking chemical profiles with bioactivity to identify the currently unknown chemicals that are causing observed but unattributed biological effects.
Biotechnologies for micropollutant removal, resource recovery and the water-bioenergy nexus
We specialize in processes at the interplay between microorganisms and pollutants in water, exploit the variety of biochemical processes that are catalyzed by microorganism and investigate how microbes can be optimally managed (e.g. through process design or quorum sensing) in biotechnologies. Our research foci include biodegradation of micropollutants in water (e.g. biofunctionalized hydrogel beads), and recovery of valuable products (e.g. biofilm-based phosphorus recovery, carbon recovery and biopolymer production by high-rate activated sludge) and production of bioenergy (e.g. integration of hydrothermal liquefaction for converting sewage sludge into biofuels and fertilizers) from urban and biorefinery wastewater.
- 1 Lignende profiler
- 1 Afsluttet
Holistic eRNA-NTS approach to evaluate groundwater pollution
Ellegaard-Jensen, L. (PI), Hansen, M. (PI) & Vergeynst, L. (PI)
01/01/2021 → 31/12/2021
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Anaerobic digestion of wastewater from hydrothermal liquefaction of sewage sludge and combined wheat straw-manure
Macêdo, W. V., Harpøth, R. D., Poulsen, J. S., de Jonge, N., Fischer, C. H., Agneessens, L. M., Nielsen, J. L., Biller, P., Rickers, C. K. & Vergeynst, L., maj 2024, I: Bioresource Technology. 399, 130559.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avis › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Åben adgang4 Citationer (Scopus) -
Comparison of two field systems for determination of crude oil biodegradation in cold seawater
Langeloh, H., Greer, C. W., Vergeynst, L., Hakvåg, S., Øverjordet, I. B., Bakke, I., Sørensen, L. & Braktad, O. G., feb. 2024, I: Marine Pollution Bulletin. 199, 115919.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avis › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Åben adgang1 Citationer (Scopus) -
Detection of volatile hydroperfluoroalkanes during hydrothermal liquefaction of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids at circumneutral pH
Wen, J., Neha, S., Biller, P., Kristensen, K. & Vergeynst, L., sep. 2024, I: Journal of Hazardous Materials. 476, 8 s., 134955.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avis › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Åben adgang1 Citationer (Scopus) -
Evaluating hydrothermal liquefaction hydrochar from sewage sludge as a phosphorus resource through struvite production
Neha, S., Vergeynst, L. & Biller, P., jun. 2024, I: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 12, 3, 113014.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avis › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Åben adgang2 Citationer (Scopus) -
A recent overview of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) removal by functional framework materials
Li, H., Junker, A. L., Wen, J., Ahrens, L., Sillanpää, M., Tian, J., Cui, F., Vergeynst, L. & Wei, Z., jan. 2023, I: Chemical Engineering Journal. 452, Part 2, 139202.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avis › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Åben adgangFil55 Citationer (Scopus)23 Downloads (Pure)
Spatio-temporal variations in oil-degrading biofilm communities in Arctic marine water, West-Greenland
Grundger, F. M. L. (Foredragsholder), Kampouris, I. (Andet), Kjeldsen, K. U. (Andet), Rysgaard, S. (Andet), Greer, C. W. (Andet), Boone, W. (Andet), Meire, L. (Andet) & Vergeynst, L. (Andet)
16 aug. 2022Aktivitet: Præsentationer, medlemskaber, ejerskab og andre aktiviteter › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
National Research Council of Canada
Vergeynst, L. (Gæsteforsker)
1 sep. 2017 → 31 dec. 2017Aktivitet: Besøg på en ekstern institution - typer › Besøg ved en ekstern, akademisk institution
International Course in Microbial Ecology
Vergeynst, L. (Deltager)
9 nov. 2015 → 13 nov. 2015Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typer › Deltagelse i eller organisering af workshop, seminar eller kursus
University of Manitoba
Vergeynst, L. (Gæsteforsker)
1 mar. 2015 → 15 mar. 2015Aktivitet: Besøg på en ekstern institution - typer › Besøg ved en ekstern, akademisk institution
Gordon Research Conference: Polar Marine Science
Vergeynst, L. (Deltager)
2015Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typer › Deltagelse i eller organisering af konference
Oil spills in the ocean: why the Arctic is particularly vulnerable
1 element af Mediedækning
Bakterier bekæmper olieprøver i Nuup Kangerlua
03/08/2018 → 04/08/2018
3 elementer af Mediedækning
Can oil-eating microbes clean up spills in the Arctic?
21/02/2018 → 19/03/2018
12 elementer af Mediedækning, 2 Mediebidrag
Anaerobic co-digestion of wastewater from hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass
Vieira Macêdo, W. & Vergeynst, L. 01/03/2022 → 15/06/2022
Kursus: Vejledning
Anaerobic digestion of hydrothermal liquefaction process water - Influence of different ordination methods to analyse the diversity of the microbiome
Vieira Macêdo, W. & Vergeynst, L. 29/08/2022 → …
Kursus: Vejledning
Anaerobic digestion of hydrothermal liquefaction process water – understanding the process efficiency and the microbiome over long-term exposure
Vieira Macêdo, W. & Vergeynst, L. 01/09/2022 → …
Kursus: Vejledning
Nitrification inhibition by hydrotermal liquefaction wastewater
Vieira Macêdo, W. & Vergeynst, L. 01/03/2022 → 28/06/2022
Kursus: Vejledning
Removal of micropollutants from hydrothermal liquefaction process water in tertiary moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBR)
Vieira Macêdo, W. & Vergeynst, L. 29/08/2022 → …
Kursus: Vejledning