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Research Interests

My research focuses on elucidating the role of chemical metabolites (natural chemical substances) from plants in ecological interactions, as well as their fate in the environment. Specifically, I am interested in chemical signaling in ecological relationships, including plant-pest interactions, microbial communication, and chemical defenses in various species.

Our current research aims to understand the molecular mechanisms behind chemical communication and its implications for biodiversity, conservation, and sustainable agriculture. We explore the ecological significance of chemical interactions in nature using an interdisciplinary approach that combines analytical chemistry (targeted and untargeted metabolomics), molecular biology, and field studies.

We were able to document that benzoxazinoids—a group of bioactive natural compounds primarily produced in cereals and certain dicotyledonous plants— potential impacts in agricultural settings.

We have established state-of-the-art chemical analytical methods to analyze various phytochemical classes abundant in crop species, utilizing LC-MS/MS, LC-QTRAP, and high-resolution LC-Orbitrap MS instruments.



We are actively collaborating with researchers worldwide and engaging in outreach programs to promote awareness of ecological sustainability and the importance of chemical ecology in addressing global challenges.


Opportunities for Bachelor's and MSc Projects

We offer several collaborative, multidisciplinary projects that focus on chemical ecology and utilizing plant chemistry to enhance plant health and performance. Examples of available projects can be found in the thesis catalogue.



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