• Fuglesangs Allé 4, 2631, 136

    8210 Aarhus V



Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


Christoph's research interests are in the area of Behavioral Finance, broadly defined. For example, he analyzes how individual investors convert beliefs and preferences into actions. He studies phenomena such as overconfidence and loss aversion. He analyzes how financial professionals process information and form expectations. In newer work, he explores societal challenges such as digitalization and demographic change. He examines how financial technology companies interact with their customers.


Christoph Merkle is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University, and a research fellow at the Danish Finance Institute (DFI). He holds a PhD in Finance from Mannheim University (2011). 


Christoph is teaching a master's course in Corporate Valuation in the M.Sc. FIB program, but open to other students. The course (10 ECTS) takes place in the spring term and deals with applied company valuation. Biannually, he also teaches a bachelor's course Behavioural Finance in the HA program. The course (5 ECTS) is an elective and takes place in the fall term. Christoph undertakes supervision of bachelor theses, master theses, and teaches an extra-mural Ph.D. course in Behavioral Finance.


Christoph is the organizer of the research seminar series in Finance and a member of the section council. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Finance, PhD, University of Mannheim

1 sep. 200728 nov. 2011

Dimissionsdato: 28 nov. 2011

Economics, MSc (Diplom VWL), University of Cologne

30 apr. 200228 feb. 2007

Dimissionsdato: 28 feb. 2007

Eksterne ansættelser

Associate Professor, Kühne Logistics University

1 feb. 201731 dec. 2019

Assistant Professor, University of Mannheim

1 feb. 201231 jan. 2017

Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Mannheim

9 jan. 201031 jan. 2012


  • Behavioral Finance
  • Household Finance
  • Digital Finance
  • Experimental Finance
  • Sustainable Finance


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  • Duke University

    Merkle, C. (Gæsteforsker)

    jan. 2015jul. 2015

    Aktivitet: Besøg på en ekstern institution - typerBesøg ved en ekstern, akademisk institution

  • Aalto University

    Merkle, C. (Gæsteforsker)

    okt. 2013dec. 2013

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