Projekter pr. år
Personlig profil
From 2018 is an Associate Professor of the Department of Business Development and Technology at the Aarhus University, Denmark. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Automatic Control and Robotics from the University of Siena in 2014. Chinello was previously a postdoctoral researcher at University of Siena and fellow at the Italian Institute of Technology, from 2014 to 2016. He also visited the Neural Control of Movement Laboratory of the Arizona University in 2013 and 2014. His research interests include robotics, control, design of haptic interfaces, human-robot interaction, and human-computer interaction through wearable devices.
- 1 Lignende profiler
Samarbejde og topforskningsområder i de sidste fem år
SENSIBLE: Symbiotic tEleoperatioN for Safe and cost-efficient wInd turBine bLade maintEnance
Fang, C. (PI) & Chinello, F. (Deltager)
30/03/2023 → 28/02/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Horizion Europe MSCA-DN project: TOAST (Touch-enabled Tactile Internet Training Network and Open Source Testbed)
Zhang, Q. (PI), Iosifidis, A. (PI), Lucani Rötter, D. E. (PI) & Chinello, F. (Deltager)
01/03/2023 → 28/02/2027
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Edge Intelligence for Immersive Telerobotics in Touch-enabled Tactile Internet
Zhang, Q. (PI), Chinello, F. (Deltager), Iosifidis, A. (Deltager), H. P. Fitzek, F. (Deltager), Steinbach, E. (Deltager) & Bjerg, M. H. (Deltager)
01/07/2022 → 01/06/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
A phySiCal Emulator foR safeTy vAlidation and training of human-robot InteractioN (ASCERTAIN)
Fang, C. (Projektkoordinator) & Chinello, F. (Samarbejdspartner)
01/01/2021 → 30/06/2022
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
A 4-DoF wearable hand device for haptic rendering of surfaces and edges
Kuang, L., Malvezzi, M., Ferro, M., Prattichizzo, D., Giordano, P. R., Chinello, F. & Pacchierotti, C., maj 2024, I: Mechatronics. 99, 13 s., 103173.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avis › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
A Wearable Haptic Device for the Hand with Interchangeable End-Effectors
Huang, L., Ferro, M., Malvezzi, M., Prattichizzo, D., Giordano, P. R., Chinello, F. & Pacchierotti, C., 1 apr. 2024, I: IEEE Transactions on Haptics. 17, 2, s. 129-139 11 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avis › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
5 Citationer (Scopus) -
Design Octree-Based Method to Improve Model-Mediated Teleoperation in Tactile Internet
Antonsen, M. M., Chinello, F. & Zhang, Q., 2024, (Accepteret/In press) International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/proceeding › Konferencebidrag i proceedings › Forskning › peer review
Digital Twin-empowered Model-Mediated Teleoperation using Multimodality Data with Signed Distance Fields
Antonsen, M. M., Liu, S., Xu, X., Steinbach, E., Chinello, F. & Zhang, Q., maj 2024, 2024 IEEE Haptics Symposium, HAPTICS 2024. IEEE, s. 353-359 7 s. (International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (HAPTICS)).Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport/proceeding › Konferencebidrag i proceedings › Forskning › peer review
Guest Editorial Haptics in the Metaverse: Haptic Feedback for Virtual, Augmented, Mixed, and eXtended Realities
Pacchierotti, C., Chinello, F., Koumaditis, K., Luca, M. D., Ofek, E. & Georgiou, O., apr. 2024, I: IEEE Transactions on Haptics. 17, 2, s. 122-128 7 s.Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift/Konferencebidrag i tidsskrift /Bidrag til avis › Leder › peer review
4 Citationer (Scopus)
IEEE Transactions on Haptics (Tidsskrift)
Koumaditis, K. (Redaktør) & Chinello, F. (Redaktør)
1 jan. 2023 → 1 dec. 2023Aktivitet: Udgivelse af peer-review og redaktionelt arbejde - typer › Redaktør af tidsskrift › Forskning
PhD Defence: Assessment of a RES-based H2 production-storage system towards a zero-emission cycling based transportation
Apostolou, D. (Deltager), Chinello, F. (Underviser), Gurauskis, J. (Underviser) & Marnellos, G. (Underviser)
4 mar. 2021Aktivitet: Præsentationer, medlemskaber, ejerskab og andre aktiviteter › Andet
A novel 3RRS wearable fingertip cutaneous device for virtual interaction
Chinello, Francesco (Modtager), 2016
Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser
Machine Learning Fundamentals and Applications
Olsen, M. & Chinello, F. 09/09/2021 → 09/12/2021
Kursus: Undervisning
Optimisation of Engineering Processes Using Numerical Approaches
Chinello, F., Alphinas, R. & Olsen, M. 01/02/2024 → 28/06/2024
Kursus: Undervisning