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Helsingforsgade 14, 5347, 238
8200 Aarhus N
Helsingforsgade 14
8200 Aarhus N
Publikationer pr. år
Amanda Mouritsen is a Ph.D. Fellow at the Department of Media and Journalism Studies at Aarhus University. In her explorative and user-centric Ph.D. project, she studies Danish adolescents' and young adults' usage, experience, and understanding of the platform TikTok. With the project, Amanda wishes to uncover the characteristics of the video content and the digital culture the users engage with on TikTok, how and why they use TikTok in their everyday lives, and how they experience and make sense of TikTok. Overall, the project aims to understand this highly discussed, criticized, and complex platform from a user-centric standpoint.
Amanda is enrolled in the Ph.D. programme ICT, Media, Communication, and Journalism at the Graduate School of Arts. She is a member of the research programme Media, Communication, and Society and an affiliate member of the research center DATALAB - Center for Digital Social Research. Amanda has previously worked as a research assistant on the project Reaching Young Audiences.
Medievidenskab, Kandidat, Aarhus Universitet
2020 → 2023
Medievidenskab, Bachelor, Aarhus Universitet
2017 → 2020
Publikation: Andet › Udgivelser på nettet - Net-publikation › Formidling
Publikation: Andet › Udgivelser på nettet - Net-publikation › Forskning
Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Rapport › Forskning
Mouritsen, A. (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typer › Deltagelse i eller organisering af konference
Mouritsen, A. (Gæsteforsker)
Aktivitet: Besøg på en ekstern institution - typer › Besøg ved en ekstern, akademisk institution
Mouritsen, A. (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typer › Deltagelse i eller organisering af konference
Mouritsen, A. (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typer › Deltagelse i eller organisering af konference
Mouritsen, A. (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typer › Deltagelse i eller organisering af konference
1 Mediebidrag
1 Mediebidrag