• Bartholins Allé 9, 1350, 431

    8000 Aarhus C



Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


Current Research Interests

We all sleep, hopefully, every single day and the time we spend sleeping represent approximately one third of our day and thus, one third of our life. While awake, we experience spontaneous thoughts, such as mind wandering and daydreams, between 25% and 50% of our waking time. My main research interests include sleep, circadian rhythms and various types of spontaneous mental activity. The aim of my PhD project is to contribute to the understanding of how sleep influences the experience of spontaneous thoughts in waking life.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Psychology, PhD, The Stream of Consciousness across Wake and Aleep: An Integrative Examination, Psykologisk Institut

Dimissionsdato: 16 maj 2023

MSc in Psychology, Master's degree in Research in Behaviour and Cognition , University of Barcelona

Dimissionsdato: 8 jul. 2019

BA in Psychology, Cayetano Heredia University

Dimissionsdato: 31 aug. 2016

Eksterne ansættelser

Teaching Assistant, Cayetano Heredia University

1 sep. 201915 dec. 2019

Research Assistant , Universidad del Pacífico

1 nov. 20161 nov. 2018


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