Quaternary Geology



The course starts with a short introduction to the ice age theory, followed by a review of the formation of continental ice sheets, isostatic movements and eustatic sea-level fluctuations. Thereafter follows an introduction to the study methods of the properties of Quaternary and glacial deposits, and their dating. Subsequently, glacial erosion, transport and deposition are introduced, followed by a review of the origin and properties of tills, meltwater deposits, and glaciolacustrine and glaciomarine deposits. Finally, an overview is given of the periglacial environment (processes and landforms). In the second half focus will be on field- and laboratory methods (texture, petrography, mineralogy and fabric), glacial geomorphology, and Quaternary stratigraphy with special emphasis on ice age chronology in Denmark. As part of the course there will be 5 days fieldwork in Denmark and 5 weeks of laboratory exercises.
Kursus periode01/02/202030/06/2020
Kursus niveauBachelor niveau