Mathematical Physics aims at a mathematically rigorous understanding of complex phenomena in nature. The program is particularly concerned with quantum effects and, in particular, with the theory of Schroedinger’s equation. Both classical one-body Schroedinger operator theory (including topics like semi-classical analysis, eigenvalue inequalities, Anderson localization, non-selfadjoint operators) and many-body theory (including questions about ground state properties and dynamics in deterministic and random systems, and also the study of non-linear effective equations) are covered.Our goal is to provide an update for the community on recent results, a discussion forum for future research goals and a starting point for new collaborations in the stimulating atmosphere of Institut Mittag-Leffler.
Participation in the program is by invitation only.
Periode | 14 jan. 2019 → 26 apr. 2019 |
Begivenhedstype | Andet |
Placering | Stockholm, SverigeVis på kort |
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Semiclassical Quantum Mechanics
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning