Princeton University

    Aktivitet: Besøg på en ekstern institution - typerBesøg ved en ekstern, akademisk institution


    Visiting Research Collaborator at Princeton University

    The research I carried out during my stay at Princeton consists of two separate research projects. The first project is to investigate together with Dr. Alicia Adsera the role of linguistic proximity in migrant's decision making. We make use a wide range of linguistic indicators and comprehensive aggregate data on international migration flows and stock covering 27 OECD destination and 129 source countries. Among others we use an indicator of the linguistic distance between pairs of countries based on family of languages. In addition, we use linguistic proximity measure proposed by Dyen et al. (1992), a group of linguists who built a measure of distance between Indo-European languages based on the proximity between a sample of words from each language. Further, we control for the fact that potential migrants prefer to choose a destination with a "widely spoken" language as the native language.  The second project focuses on intergenerational transmission of fertility behaviour in two countries, Denmark and Canada, using large micro-longitudinal datasets.
    Periode1 jan. 201015 apr. 2010
    BesøgendePrinceton University