LEAD&LEARN: EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. The voices of educational leadership. Investigations of the pedagogical thinking of school leaders in higher education

  • Lea Lund (Foredragsholder)

Aktivitet: Præsentationer, medlemskaber, ejerskab og andre aktiviteterForedrag og mundtlige bidrag


The aim of this poster presentation is to present how to investigate educational leaders' perceptions of educational and pedagogical themes. I hereby wish to contribute to the scientific development of this field of research and aim at comprehend the processes underlying educational leadership.

The study reported in this poster explores the school leaders’ perceptions of educational themes and how their pedagogical perceptions are reflecting their actions as leaders of teachers and their organization.

My aim is to both explore how to investigate this field in a pedagogical manner and also to reveal insights to the Danish school leaders’ perspectives. My aim is not to prescribe or to give recommendations, but to reveal insights in the role of the educational leaders who has a significant part in the DNA of our education system
Periode3 sep. 2019
BegivenhedstitelECER 2019, Hamburg: Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future
PlaceringHamburg, TysklandVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational